Ecovila Coração da mata

Discover the perfect destination to exchange vows and celebrate your love amidst the enchanting beauty of nature.

Ecovila Coração da Mata offers a unique and exclusive wedding experience that combines rustic charm, natural elegance and sustainable practices.

Imagine saying “yes” surrounded by the lush landscapes of Brumadinho, with your loved ones gathered in our intimate Ecovillage.

Toda a nossa vila é dedicada exclusivamente à celebração do seu casamento, garantindo privacidade e um ambiente intimista para você e seus convidados.

A vila inclui três charmosos chalés – Azul, Laranja e Branco – que oferecem acomodações confortáveis para seus entes queridos.

Choose from several breathtaking settings within the villa, each offering its own unique charm in our picturesque outdoor garden area.

Whatever your vision, we work closely with you to create a magical setting that reflects your love story.

Immerse yourself in a charming welcome surrounded by the beauty of nature.

Our Ecovillage has a spacious outdoor dining area and a charming rustic atmosphere that sets the stage for an unforgettable celebration.

Delicie-se com um banquete vegetariano e vegano preparado por nossos talentosos chefs, destacando ingredientes locais e sazonais.

Ofereça aos seus convidados uma experiência verdadeiramente memorável reservando nossos charmosos chalés exclusivamente para sua festa de casamento.

Each chalet has been carefully designed to provide comfort, tranquility and a touch of rustic luxury.

The accommodations blend perfectly with the natural environment, ensuring a peaceful stay and an escape from routine.

Embrace sustainable practices on your special day.

Our eco-village is powered by solar energy, providing an eco-friendly setting for your wedding party.

From locally sourced cuisine to judicious waste management, we strive to minimize our environmental impact and create a truly sustainable event.

Our dedicated team is committed to bringing your wedding vision to life.

Here your wedding will have these characteristics:

  • 100% vegetarian buffet;
  • Party with zero use of plastic (in decoration, souvenirs, etc.);
  •  Personal cups to be reused and only washed when changing drinks;
  • Useful souvenirs (ecobags) to actually be used in everyday life, avoiding waste;
  • Sweets served without molds;
  • Cigarette-free event;
  • All waste generated at the event is sent for composting and recycling;
  • Stationery (invitations and menus) made from handcrafted recycled paper;
  • There is no rain of rice, but rather of pink peppercorns;
  • Donation of decoration items to be reused in other weddings.

Make your dream wedding a reality: say “yes” surrounded by the natural beauty and sustainable serenity of Ecovila Coração da Mata.

Contact us to start planning your unforgettable wedding celebration in this idyllic setting.

Discover the perfect destination to exchange vows and celebrate your love amidst the enchanting beauty of nature.

Ecovila Coração da Mata offers a unique and exclusive wedding experience that combines rustic charm, natural elegance and sustainable practices.

Imagine saying “yes” surrounded by the lush landscapes of Brumadinho, with your loved ones gathered in our intimate Ecovillage.

Toda a nossa vila é dedicada exclusivamente à celebração do seu casamento, garantindo privacidade e um ambiente intimista para você e seus convidados.

A vila inclui três charmosos chalés – Azul, Laranja e Branco – que oferecem acomodações confortáveis para seus entes queridos.

Choose from several breathtaking settings within the villa, each offering its own unique charm in our picturesque outdoor garden area.

Whatever your vision, we work closely with you to create a magical setting that reflects your love story.

Immerse yourself in a charming welcome surrounded by the beauty of nature.

Our Ecovillage has a spacious outdoor dining area and a charming rustic atmosphere that sets the stage for an unforgettable celebration.

Delicie-se com um banquete vegetariano e vegano preparado por nossos talentosos chefs, destacando ingredientes locais e sazonais.

Ofereça aos seus convidados uma experiência verdadeiramente memorável reservando nossos charmosos chalés exclusivamente para sua festa de casamento.

Each chalet has been carefully designed to provide comfort, tranquility and a touch of rustic luxury.

The accommodations blend perfectly with the natural environment, ensuring a peaceful stay and an escape from routine.

Embrace sustainable practices on your special day.

Our eco-village is powered by solar energy, providing an eco-friendly setting for your wedding party.

From locally sourced cuisine to judicious waste management, we strive to minimize our environmental impact and create a truly sustainable event.

Our dedicated team is committed to bringing your wedding vision to life.

Here your wedding will have these characteristics:

  • 100% vegetarian buffet;
  • Party with zero use of plastic (in decoration, souvenirs, etc.);
  •  Personal cups to be reused and only washed when changing drinks;
  • Useful souvenirs (ecobags) to actually be used in everyday life, avoiding waste;
  • Sweets served without molds;
  • Cigarette-free event;
  • All waste generated at the event is sent for composting and recycling;
  • Stationery (invitations and menus) made from handcrafted recycled paper;
  • There is no rain of rice, but rather of pink peppercorns;
  • Donation of decoration items to be reused in other weddings.

Make your dream wedding a reality: say “yes” surrounded by the natural beauty and sustainable serenity of Ecovila Coração da Mata.

Contact us to start planning your unforgettable wedding celebration in this idyllic setting.

EcoVillaCoracaoDaMata 22 1
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